The African Journal of Career Development (AJCD)
The African Journal of Career Development (AJCD) is a peer reviewed scholarly journal that provides a forum for the dissemination of cutting-edge research relating to career development predominantly in Africa (but also to career development elsewhere in the world). The core aim of the AJCD is to facilitate the reporting of research related to promoting sustainable decent work for all. Here, decent work is regarded as a basic human right for all those who are willing and able to work.
A basic standpoint of AJCD is that the right to work is a fundamental human right, yet more and more people are not enjoying this right. The dramatic increase in the global population (in developing countries in particular) means that fewer people, relatively speaking can find employment. Also, owing to advances in the field of ICT (propelled by Work 4.0), many workers are being replaced by artificial intelligence and robots – for the most part in the interests of cost minimisation and profit maximisation.
Without work, people cannot support themselves, their families and their communities, financially and emotionally. Their sense of self and identity is undermined, and it is usually very difficult to restore their self-image and confidence. Society at large needs to note the gravity of the situation and to strive towards facilitating sustainable decent work for all across the diversity continuum. Whilst unemployment may well be an unpalatable fact of economic life in the postmodern era, it remains morally indefensible and poses a significant threat to global peace.